sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015


Working with children

There is no definitive research evidence or universal agreement about the best age to start learning a foreign language and, as has been said, it is optimal conditions rather than an optimal age which counts.

All children are unique in what they bring to the classroom and in their ability to process information and learn through different facets of their Multiple Intelligences.
They are also unique in their personal preferences and emerging learning styles. Whether you are working with four year olds or twelve year olds or any age in between, you may like to consider the ingredients of the "C-Wheel" as a tool for helping you to create optimal conditions in order to maximize children's learning and enable everyone in your classes to blossom and thrive, both as engaged, responsible learners and as people.

The C-Wheel takes as its starting point the centrality of the child and the child’s learning. It is made up of eight principal segments showing a range of factors which contribute to creating optimal conditions for children’s language learning.

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